Pirates of the Panto
Adapted and Directed by Allie White
When the evil, most cut-throatedest pirate on the seven seas, Captain Spongebag NoPants, has his treasure map stolen by the handsome and debonair Captain Zac Sparrow, all manner of mayhem ensues.
From the Bristol Docks to the beautiful island of Discomania - there is no end of silliness, mutiny, sailor dances, mermaids, shipwrecks, disco, sacred scrolls, chocolate, parrots, more disco and romance.

Pirate Crew
Dan Ward - Cap’n Spongebag NoPants
Poppy Batten - Skull
Kieran Ellis - Bones
Alfie Head – Poop
Hennasey Wells - Deck
Laura Cobley – Polly
Honor Turner - Cap’n Zac Sparrow
Keith Batten - Stella Sparrow
Hazel Batten - Bobby Sparrow
Miles Whittle - Squire Swann
Alice Cobley - Lizzie Swann
Barbara Wheal – Mavis Mermaid, Bristolian, Sailor, Islander
Bea Cook – Myrtle Mermaid, Bristolian, Sailor, Islander
Jackie Evans – Dudley, Bristolian, Sailor, Mermaid, Islander
Maria Millard – High Priestess, Bristolian, Sailor, Mermaid, Islander
Marianne Pryor – Honest John, Bristolian, Sailor, Mermaid, Islander
Mike Kennedy – Bosun Rollicks, Bristolian, Sailor
Natalie May – Dobbin, Gorilla, Bristolian, Sailor, Islander
Tricia Lumley – Queen Chakra Khan, Bristolian, Sailor, Mermaid, Islander
Will Febrey – Harbour Master, Bristolian, Sailor, Mermaid, Islander
Annette Cole – Bristolian, Sailor, Mermaid, Islander
Jeff Monks – Bristolian, Sailor, Neptune, Islander
Sienna Daynes – Bristolian, Sailor, Islander
Stephen Farnie – Bristolian, Sailor, Mermaid, Islander
Athena Ellis - Bristolian, Sailor, Jellyfish, Islander
Christian Haywood - Bristolian, Sailor, Clownfish, High Priestess helper
Emily Peters – Bristolian, Sailor, Sea Anemone, High Priestess helper
George Rushton - Bristolian, Sailor, Squid, High Priestess helper
Gwen Rushton - Bristolian, Sailor, Shark, Islander
Leia Spellman - Bristolian, Sailor, Shark, High Priestess helper
Olivia Davis - Bristolian, Sailor, Shark, Islander
Woody Simmonds - Bristolian, Drunken Sailor, Squid, High Priestess helper